8. End-of-Unit C1


Intention :  Reflect on your learning by interacting orally with others.

Task  :  Use what you have learned throughout this unit to interact orally with your partners.

Duration :  75 minutes

Material required : headset, booking and videoconferencing tool.

Original activity from Description , under licence CC BY-NC 

For this activity, you will need to:


 Make an appointment

Make arrangements with your teacher and partners.


Interact Orally

Interact orally with other students during your appointment using the video conferencing tool suggested by your teacher.

What Makes a Successful C1?

Before your appointment, you will need to prepare yourself.  Watch this clip to understand how to carry out  an oral interaction.

Take the time to read the C1 rubric before meeting with your partners.

Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2021, 10:31 AM