6. How Can We Justify to Convince Others?


Intention :  Understand that well-justified decisions or opinions can convince people.

Task  :  Use information from texts to write a thorough justification.

Duration :  75 minutes and +

Material required : Student Booklet, earphones (optional)

Original activity from Description , under licence CC BY-NC 

Your teacher wants to schedule a videoconference with an inspiring activist but needs your help. Hear him out!

Go over the information about the two teens, then decide who would inspire secondary 4 and 5 students the most. 


1. Watch each activist’s video (8 minutes).

2. Select the activist who inspired you the most.

Source: Autumn Peltier, Global Landscapes Forum, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Autumn Peltier

Fighting to Protect Canada’s Water



Source: Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Earth Island Journal

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

Climate Change Activist


Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2021, 11:31 AM