4.2 How Can You Connect with These Stories?


Intention :  Understand how we connect to people and their personal stories.

Task  :  Watch and analyze video clips and answer questions.

Duration :  approx. 75 minutes

Material required : earphones (optional)

Original activity from Description , under licence CC BY-NC 

For this activity, you’ll need to choose one of the dancers mentioned below. They each have an inspiring story to tell.  


  1. Select a dancer you want to know more about.

  2. Watch the video clip about that dancer.

  3. Answer the questions about the dancer you selected in your student booklet.

Jerron Herman
With permission of Heidi Latsky Dance

Jerron Herman

Professional Dancer with Cerebral Palsy

Great Big Story ran a story about Jerron Herman titled:  Dancing Professionally With Cerebral Palsy.

I choose Jerron Herman


Amanda LaCount, with permission of Amanda LaCount
Photographer, Jordan Matter

Amanda LaCount

Plus Size Professional Dancer

 An interview of Amanda LaCount by the hosts of Good Morning LaLa Land.

I choose Amanda LaCount

Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2021, 11:31 AM