10.1  Interpret the events from the texts through a dystopian lens to plan your productions.

Write down selected elements from the texts or from your answers to the texts’ questions that inspire you. Imagine your dystopian allegory: organize and adapt the elements of the story. Think how you will represent the chosen elements and what they can symbolize using this chart. Then, think about what your story would be warning against. 


You can always read and watch the provided models before you continue! 

10.2 Plan the summary of your story


You can use one of these resources to help you plan your summary. 

You can also consult your resources in the Tool Box section. 

10.3 explain your choices

10.4 revise and edit


You can use one of these resources to help you edit your summary. 

You can also consult the Tool Box section for other resources.

Picture of a man

Cross Curricular Competency

To Cooperate with Others

As a video game editor by collaborating with creators, we can create better stories and games together. -Alexandre Richard,  editor.

Did you know?

To be able to collaborate respectfully and effectively with others using digital tools is also a 21st century digital competency.  

Copy and paste your draft in the text box (text written in the Plan your Story TAB). Revise your summary according to feedback you received and edit your text. When ready, publish your story according to your teacher's instructions. 


When ready, publish your summary according to your teacher's instructions.