6. Which literary devices affect our perceptions?


Intention: Verify prior knowledge of literary devices so that you can understand the role some of them play when you interpret texts.                                                               

Task:  Take a quiz.

Duration :  approx. 40 minutes

Material required :  Student Booklet

Original activity  Description , under CC BY-NC licence (see  other credits  )

You probably know some literary devices in both your mother tongue and in English.
Literary devices enrich a text and give it style, but they also play with our perceptions and interpretations. 

Take this quiz to see which  literary devices you are less familiar with.
Memorize their names and functions.

What's Next?

Do you have trouble differentiating between allegory, simile, metaphor and symbolism? Don’t worry, we’re covering these differences in the next task.

Activity 6.1


Intention: Learn how knowledge and experience shape our perceptions and interpretations.                                      

Task:  Watch the lesson and demonstrate your understanding.

Duration :  approx. 15 minutes

Material required :  Student Booklet

Original activity  Description , under CC BY-NC licence (see  other credits  )


Understand how some literary devices help create a dystopia using similarities with the real world. These devices will be very useful in your final task.

6.2 All Summer in a day


Intention: Understand how some literary devices help create a dystopia using similarities with the real world. These devices will be very useful in your final task.             

Task:  Read an excerpt of a short story containing  literary devices to name them and analyze their effect.

Duration :  approx. 60 minutes

Material required :  Student Booklet

Original activity  Description , under CC BY-NC licence (see  other credits  )

6.2.1 Instructions

This summary will help you understand the story All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury. Read it once for your enjoyment, then read it again to notice the literary devices that are present. 

Read the summary of All Summer in a Day.

You can also view the story as a movie.

6.2.2 Instructions

  1. Read this excerpt from All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury.
  2. Complete the grid that follows the text and answer the questions. 

Excerpt of All Summer in a Day, Ray Bradbury

What's Next?

Now that you know more about certain literary devices, let’s look at the role symbols play in creating dystopian allegories.