5. How Can We Express and Justify Our Opinions Effectively?


Intention :  Know how to express and justify opinions effectively.

Task  :   Practise justifying your opinions.

Duration :  approx. 75 minutes

Material required :  earphones ( optional)

Original activity from  Description , under licence CC BY-NC 

You will often need to justify some of your answers, arguments and opinions more thoroughly. Effectively justifying is not that difficult, but requires practice. 


Watch the following videos, the first one is on how you can express and justify your opinions more efficiently. The second deals with common mistakes students make when trying to justify their opinions.

How to Justify Your Opinion - Part 1  (4:27)

 How to Justify Your Opinion: Traps to Avoid - Part 2  (2:42)

Carrying Out

Become a justification master! Play the following game to better detect what makes efficient justification and what does not. 


Before continuing,  do you think you are ready to write a strong justification? If not, watch the videos again or ask your teacher for help.

What's Next?

Now that you know how to express and justify opinions, let’s put it into practice.