Diagnostic Quiz

Are you familiar with the simple past? Do you know when and how to use it properly?

We invite you to take a diagnostic quiz  to find out.

How to Use the Diagnostic Quiz

  1. Take the diagnostic quiz without help or preparation.

    Take the diagnostic quiz

  2. Each number represents a different grammar point. If you have difficulties with a certain grammatical concept, write down the number of its quiz. When you access the grammar presentation on simple past, find its letter again to get the explanations you  need. 

  3. Complete the exercises available on TAB C above. See how you perform. Make sure you ask for help if needed.

  4. When ready complete the final quiz on TAB C above.   See how you have improved by taking the final quiz.

Grammar Exercises: Simple Past

   Click on the links to access the grammar exercices.


1. Know when it happened? It’s simple: Simple past! 

Take the quiz


2. It’s over? It’s simple: Simple past!

Take the quiz


3. Would and Used to for regular past actions

Take the quiz


4. Conjugating the simple past

Take the quiz


5. Questions and negations

Take the quiz


6. Final Quiz

Take the quiz