Infographic: China's social credit system

Introduction: The Chinese government is installing a system that gives people and companies points for their  trustworthy behaviour and removing points from untrustworthy behaviour.

Text 1: Infographic: China's Social Credit System.

Read the following infographic then answer the questions to verify your comprehension. 

Source with permission: Website Bertelsmann-Stifung, China's Social Credit System - Direct link to publication

Verify Your Understanding

Vlog: Decoding china's social credit system

Watch the following Vlog (video) about China's Social Credit System (6:14).

When ready, verify your comprehension by answering some questions. 

connect and generalize

Connect with the text - Answer questions about both texts

Generalize - Answer questions about both texts

Next Step

Now that you understand your topic. It is time to interpret the elements through a dystopian lens.