NeurAlink: Engineering WITH THE BRAIN

Neuralink is like a microchip that can be put in your brain and with it, you’ll be able to communicate with machines and even control them.

Text 1: Excerpts from the webpage of Neuralink

Read the following excerpts then answer the questions to verify your comprehension. You can click on the pictures to view them better or read the excerpts on the website.

Excerpt 1: A Direct Link Between the Brain and Everyday Technology


Image source: Neuralink,, 2021

Excerpt 2: What will the link do?


Image source: Neuralink,, 2021

Excerpt 3: How will you address device security?


Image source: Neuralink,, 2021

Excerpt 4: Will the link or future systems be available to healthy people?


Image source: Neuralink,, 2021

Verify Your Understanding

Neuralink brain chip demo explained 

Watch the video Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip demo explained (6:06).

When you are finished, answer some questions to verify your understanding.

Connect and generalize

Connect with the text - Answer questions about both texts

Generalize - Answer questions about both texts

Next Step

Now that you understand your topic. It is time to interpret the elements through a dystopian lens.