11. reflecting on the unit - oral interaction


Intention:  Reflect on your learning in this unit.   

Task: Interact orally to consolidate what you have learned in this unit.

Duration:  approx. 45 minutes

Material required:  Student Booklet

Original activity  Description , under CC BY-NC licence (see  other credits  )

Instructions for a final oral interaction (C1)



Before the scheduled moment of the oral interaction, look at the following questions. Think about your answers. Remember: You will need to interact -not just give an answer learned by heart.  

Take the time to look at the rubric. Contact your teacher if you have any questions.


Oral Interaction

During your oral interaction, discuss the questions and prompts.

1. Why do you think dystopia is such a popular genre?

2. Let’s come back to this quote: “Beyond the fiction of reality, there is the reality of the fiction.” - Slavoj Zizek

What do you think this quote means?

3. Why do you think dystopia is such a popular genre? Has your understanding changed since the unit started? If so, explain how.

4. How do reality and fiction influence each other?

5. Discuss examples or complex situations that you could have to transform into a simpler story to make it easier to understand.

6. One of the goals of this unit was to understand how authors use dystopia to keep audiences vigilant about the future of the world. If you haven’t already done so, can you explain how dystopia can open people’s eyes to complex issues?

Last modified: Monday, 26 April 2021, 12:43 PM