4.1 Which Key Elements Affect Our Connection with Personal Stories?


Intention :  Know which key elements affect our connection to personal stories and understand how they inspire.

Task  :  Watch video clips and answer questions.

Duration :  approx. 60 minutes

Material required : Student Booklet, earphones (optional)

Original activity from Description , under licence CC BY-NC 

We connect with personal stories but which key elements affect that connection to the point of inspiring us?


1. Think about a person who inspires you, it can be a popular person or someone close to you. 

Carrying Out

2. Watch these clips about the role of two key elements of personal stories and answer the included questions. 

How Do Characters and Themes Affect Our Connection with Personal Stories? 

Part 1: Characters

Download Video Script

How Do Characters and Themes Affect Our Connection with Personal Stories?

Part 2: Themes

Download Video Script
Picture of a man

Cross Curricular Competency

To achieve your potential

"Being able to clearly express my perceptions and values makes me feel considered and represented. That's why I always make sure that everyone feels free to express themselves around me so we can all achieve our full potential."  -Yusef Abouchar, elected representative.

Did you know?

Having a voice and feeling represented engage people in projects.


3. Answer the following questions:

What's Next?

Now that you know more about how we connect with personal stories, let’s use that knowledge to analyze some stories.  

Last modified: Wednesday, 22 September 2021, 2:30 PM