2. What are the characteristics of dystopia?


Intention:   Learn the main characteristics of dystopia so you can recognize dystopian stories in the future.

Task :  Read summaries to discover common characteristics of dystopia.

Duration:  approx. 40 minutes

Material required:  Student Booklet

Original activity from Description , under licence CC BY-NC 

Play the game to get out of the escape room scenario.
Take notes during the game.

Judging by the number of dystopian titles suggested by your search engine in a previous activity,  you saw that dystopia is a very popular genre.  You probably recognized many titles or were already familiar with some of the stories without realizing they were dystopian. 

But, what makes a story dystopian?

Play this game to find out. 


Did you find the password?

A password is required to access Tasmin's organizers: SEE IT

Enter the correct password to complete the organizers.

What's Next?

Now that you know some of the characteristics of dystopia, let’s see if you can recognize them. 

Last modified: Monday, 26 April 2021, 11:32 AM