7.2 Steps for the Written Task


Intention :  Write to the people who have the power to validate your project in order to convince them to approve it.

Task  :   Write an email.

Duration :  Between 75 and 120 minutes

Material required :  word processor, dictionary, grammar (tool box), notes taken in your student booklet Student Booklet, rubric.

Original activity from  Description , under licence CC BY-NC 


Select and regroup the elements you find most inspiring or convincing.

 Use your character map to select the most convincing elements.


Write to the people who have the power to validate your project in order to convince them to approve it.

Write an email to convince the authorities (mayor, principal, manager, etc.) to accept your commemoration idea: 

  1. Present the commemorated person and your idea.
  2. Present the commemorated person and your idea.
  3. Justify the what, where and how of your commemoration project.

Look at an example of an email.


Understand the success criteria.

Consult the C2 and C3 rubric to understand the success criteria.


Revise and submit.

Revise your text and submit it to your teacher.

Need Help?

Don't hesitate to contact your teacher if you need clarification.

Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2021, 10:06 AM