3. What makes these stories dystopian?


Intention:   Learn how to recognize dystopian elements in stories. 

Task :   Identify dystopian characteristics in short clips.

Duration:  75 minutes

Material required:  Student Booklet

Original activity   Description , under licence CC BY-NC  (see other crédits  )

3.1 Instructions


1.  Watch the following video.

2. Indicate which dystopian characteristics you observed in the short sci-fi film Plurality by checking them off the lists contained in the buttons below.

Plurality (watch until 2:18)

Strange Beast (4:56)

3.2 Instructions

1.  Watch the following video.

2. Indicate which dystopian characteristics you observed in the short sci-fi film Strange Beast by checking them off the lists contained in the buttons below.

What's Next?

Now that you know what makes someone inspiring to you with personal examples in mind, let’s find out who we collectively find inspiring. Continue to the next page.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 September 2021, 1:21 PM